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History of the USS MelbourneThe Melbourne has an illustrious history, that I will outline to the best of my ability here. Currently, you are visiting the Third Melbourne to travel the galaxy, embarking upon Scientific, and combat missions. The Melbourne has had two past forms, the Melbourne, a Defiant-class starship, and the Melbourne-A, an Ambassador-class starship. The USS Melbourne NCC-65642 The original Melbourne, a
Excelsior-class starship had a long run under the command
of Captain Jeremy Scott. Captain Scott was an exemplarily Commanding Officer, and managed his starship with
completely perfect articulation. The Melbourne was a The USS Melbourne NCC-65642-A The second run of the
Melbourne, was an Ambassador-class starship, under the
command of Commodore Jessica Fox. The Melbourne was a
respected vessel, and fought bravely through many
battles. The softer side of this Melbourne, was the many
peace missions she participated in. However, this was
during the time of the Dominion War, peace was fragile
throughout the galaxy. The Melbourne was sent out on a
peacefully mission into Dominion space, to initiate negotiations, when it was
ambushed by a squadron of Jem
Hadar The USS Melbourne NCC-65642-B The Melbourne-B is the current run of this illustrious starship. The newest addition to the Melbourne family is a Nebula-class starship under the command of Commander Alex Sumpter. Her future is limitless, the spirit of the Melbourne will never die...