Bio of the USS Melbourne's Fighter Wing

Name: Greg Sturtz
AOL IM: Trunker021 or Xibar995
ICQ: 23283832
Country: United States
of numerous muds, including Immortal in Charge of
Role-play (Astrya)
Name: Morrilus G. Corrus
Character Species: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 33
Character Date of Birth: ??/??/2346
Character Height: 5'9"
Character Weight: ???
Character Eye Color: ???
Character Hair Color: ???
Character Birthplace: New Phoenix City,
Characteristics: ???
Corrus has an odd mix of
personality attributes, varying from a very relaxed
stated normally to a very intense state in battle. He
prefers afternoons and evenings to the morning. He also
knows how to get a job done, though he also knows how to
have fun when it is warranted.
History: Born in
New Phoenix City, Mars, Morrilus Corrus was raised in a
home with one younger brother. His father was a
Colony administrator while his mother was a
part time merchant of antiques. As being the son of a
couple of fairly well off Martians, Morrilus
had a fairly easy life in the beginning. He was an avid
reader as a child, picking up a love a history and a
brand of fiction called alternate or speculative history
fairly early. His biggest interest was 20th century
aviation. His adoration of books and his tendency to
imagine being a 20th century jet or prop-driven pilot got
him picked on often.
Luckily, as Morrilus got older, his love of books became
more accepted
likely aided by the fact that he
started getting bigger sooner than the other kids. At
about the age of 12, he started also getting interested
in sports, especially ambu-jitsu and hoverball. This
interested also helped him get into great shape, bulking
him up and defining his muscles, not doubt helping him
win acceptance among his younger peers. His love of
sports, tactics and military history brought him to the
decision that he wanted to be in Starfleet. Where else
could he have the chance to use his tactical skills and
perhaps become part of history?
History: He had a
fairly easy time at the Academy, already being in good
shape, an avid reader and having an above average
tactical skill to make up his weakness in the hard
sciences. After advanced training on Mars, he was placed
aboard the USS Tolstoy as a Junior Tactical officer as
his first assignment.
History: Ensign
Corrus became fast friends with a member of the nursing
staff of the Tolstoy. He and Miss Sarah Mac Neilly fell
in love not too long after that. It was not a long-lived
romance though as four days before Morrilus was to
propose to Sarah, the Tolstoy was ordered to her
destruction at Sector Wolf359 by the Borg. During the
battle, Corrus was injured and jettisoned before the
Tolstoy was destroyed, while his beloved Sarah was not so
The injury caused to his neck was massive, complicated by
the severe injury of the loss of the one woman hed
truly loved. After his physical aliments were finally
healed, he still had to deal with his mental
in doing so, he resigned and became a dealer
of antiques in the Sol system. He missed the service, but
the hole in his heart by the loss of his love mate it
unbearable to him to return. When word of a new threat to
the Federation in the form of the Dominion, he was quick
to rejoin the
fleet. After that, he was order to enroll in the
Special Weapons Training courses on
Mars Shipyards.
After his training, he spent a bit of time at Starfleet
Tactical. After a few months after theoutbreak of the
Dominion War, he was transferred to the USS Tucson as a
Tactical Advisor. The title was given because
Starfleet didnt quite know if it could trust a man
who left it for so long for the reasons he did. Knowing
of his skills, the Captain unofficially assigned Corrus
to the fighter wing on his ship. After a successful tour
and the end of the war, Corrus seemed to regain his sense
of adventure and Starfleets sense of trust. After
one more stint at SFHQ, he was reassigned to the USS
Cochrane as a
Tactical officer, shortly after which he was assigned
command of her fighter squadron. After a number of
adventures, USS Cochrane, and Mr. Corrus were reassigned
to serve at Xavier Fleet Yards. Not wanting to be tied
down by a ship yards, he requested reassignment to the
USS Melbourne.
and Intrests: Reading
about and reliving on Holodecks 20th Century History,
Rock and Roll from the late-20th to the first days of the
21st century, Ale.
Thadious Mikhail Corrus
Mother: Melissa Michelle Davis-Corrus
Brother: Gustov Mitchell Corrus
Sister: None